Learning Disability Screening
Learning Disability Screening

In the current scenario, many preschoolers and children occasionally struggle with learning and behavioural issue. Occasionally, this indicates a learning deficiency (LD).

LDs can affect several abilities. These include speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, mathematics, and social abilities. LD is sometimes referred to as a specific learning disability or condition.

Use this interactive tool to identify possible indicators of learning disabilities or attention problems in your kid or student. Then, utilize the following resources to learn more. 

Screening and Evaluating Learning Disabilities
Identifying a child with a learning disability is varied and challenging. Unfortunately, numerous schools and educational institutions have attempted to streamline the procedure. When conducted effectively, screening and evaluation techniques can help identify children who may require extra educational support to realize their maximum academic potential. Similarly, when people conduct the screening and evaluation of learning disabilities in haste, haphazardly, or without utilizing international best practices, harmful outcomes may occur, such as inaccurately assessing children without disabilities as having learning disabilities or incorrectly identifying students who may have learning disabilities. The screening procedure for identifying kids with learning requirements and the evaluation procedures required to diagnose a student with a specific condition accurately. We focus on assessing and evaluating children.
Ideal identification of learning problems is a two-step process:  

  1. Initial screening to identify if a kid would benefit from additional educational help
  2. A more in-depth evaluation to establish if a child has a possible learning disability and if so, the
    learning domains that may be affected.